Analytical Systems
The following analytical systems are available for your purposes:
- Luminex: multiplex analysis
- quantitative gene expression
- protein expression
- Flow cytometer: cell analysis with up to ten parameters
- Multimode plate reader: photometer with fluorescence and dispensers
- RNA/DNA/protein quantitation
- single/dual luciferase assays (DLReady™)
- Kinase assays (LanthaScreen™)
- Real-time PCR system:
- gene expression
- miRNA-profiling
- SNP-genotyping
- pathogen detection
- PCR machine:
- amplification of genes
- cDNA-synthesis
- cloning
- Electrophoresis systems: for separation or purification of RNA/DNA/protein
- Gel documentation system:
- RNA/DNA/protein gels
- western blots